Welcome to Teaser Tuesday!
Coming this May |
Today's teaser is from my upcoming release, Caressed by Shadows (Rulers of Darkness #4).
~ Pink
danced across the horizon as the sun rose. Sonya closed her eyes and released a
deep sigh. She had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity to feel the
warmth of the sun heat her skin. Her vampire senses screamed for her to go to
ground, to find a dark sanctuary when the damn rays could not reach her. But
she would not hide. It was time. She had achieved her mission, killing all the
wolf shifters, and now she would join her family. That is, if se were accepted
into Heaven. She harbored a demon within her. It craved blood, it murdered, and
it destroyed without discrimination. Today, it would meet its end. She would
face the sun and greet death.
snapped to attention. On instinct she pulled her hunting knife free of its
sheath strapped to her thigh. In one
fluid movement, she came to her knees and spun around to face the source of the
small girl, with her long blonde hair in matching braids stood just out of her
reach. The child smiled, laughter lighting her dark brown eyes.
searched the forest with her sense. She did not hear anyone, our scent anyone.
The child was alone.
are you parents?” Sonya asked.
"Far away."
girl shrugged. “What are you doing?”