I'd like to share an excerpt from Caressed by Night (Rulers of Darkness #2). The following chapter is one of my personal favorites, even though it doesn't feature the hero and heroine of Caressed by Night. It introduces my favorite ruler of darkness, Hadrian.

Falcon took the cool air of the mountains deep into his lungs. Snow had
just begun to fall and white flakes floated about his head, settling on his
shoulders, and dusting his boots as he went up the steps to the large, imposing
doors of the ancient fortress.
his hand, he prepared to knock as he did every time, but tonight was not like
the nights in the past. Tonight he had to convince Hadrian to leave this
depressing fortress. Tonight the world had to change.
the massive doors open, he stepped into the dark, empty hall. The high ceilings
were covered with cobwebs and the sumptuous tapestries that covered the gray
stone walls wore a thick coat of dust.
over to the wide hearth, he noted one crude-looking wooden chair; gone were the
vibrant colors of fine, upholstered furniture.
the great hall, Falcon’s heart ached. This castle had once been a happy place,
filled with warmth and joy. The world was a bright, simple, and kind place
then. His Clan had never been more at peace than when Hadrian reigned as king;
they hadn’t a care or a worry and Falcon longed for past days.
to a halt at the bottom of the grand staircase, he closed his eyes and searched
the fortress with his senses. He knew Hadrian must be masking his power or he
would have been able to locate him the instant he had stepped from his car.
Stilling his breath, his heart, his blood, he strained his senses.
Hadrian’s aura
was faint, but unmistakable. He was in the west wing…Falcon’s eyes snapped open
and he took the stairs two at time until he came to the third level. Making a
hard left, he continued down the wide corridor. The moon’s rays shimmered
through the floor-to-ceiling windows, which lined both walls. His footsteps
echoed through the corridor as he rushed to the one room in this castle he
never wished to see again.